NEW LOOK! Same Old Taste

Here are thousands of pages on a myriad of topics awaiting the unsuspecting masochist who stumbles upon this domain. What's it all about? It's about one man and his obsession with learning and doing all different kinds of stuff. Pick your poison:

  • HOUSE — the long, rocky saga of having built a home
  • MODELING — sixty years of model railroading adventures
  • ART — my contribution to the world of caricatures
  • PHOTOGRAPHY — a gateway to numerous photo galleries
  • REVIEWS — reviews of close to a thousand films and TV shows
  • KITTIES — bios of every feline friend I've ever had
  • ANIMATION — good, bad, meh, you decide
  • MUSIC — music I've produced in a wide variety of styles
  • ENDPOINT — living in a retirement trailer park
  • ABOUT — a brief bio and other boring crap about Yours Truly

12 January 2025. If I'd been asked a year ago if I'd live to see 2025, I'd have merely laughed. How absurd! Well, here I am, although I'm not at all happy about it. I am simply alive. I don't have the money to put an end to this nonsense (ending my life medically is expensive), so I am more or less forced to continue as I am, although, trust me, I am looking at financial options. Because this is not living. This is surviving. Big, ugly difference. If I was a car, I'd be sold for scrap. Maybe, just for fun, park me in the middle of a field, lock the throttle wide open, and wait for a catastrophic engine failure. Oh, incidentally, my computer is mimicking me: still creeping along on half of its chips. A friend took pity on me and had it serviced. And, like me, it sorta functions; every so often it actually works correctly. It makes for a daily mystery: what's it going to do today?

OLDER POSTS | Copyright © 1996-2025 by David K. Smith. All Rights Reserved.