Blog Archive: January 2025

12 January 2025. If I'd been asked a year ago if I'd live to see 2025, I'd have merely laughed. How absurd! Well, here I am, although I'm not at all happy about it. I am simply alive. I don't have the money to put an end to this nonsense (ending my life medically is expensive), so I am more or less forced to continue as I am, although, trust me, I am looking at financial options. Because this is not living. This is surviving. Big, ugly difference. If I was a car, I'd be sold for scrap. Maybe, just for fun, park me in the middle of a field, lock the throttle wide open, and wait for a catastrophic engine failure. Oh, incidentally, my computer is mimicking me: still creeping along on half of its chips. A friend took pity on me and had it serviced. And, like me, it sorta functions; every so often it actually works correctly. It makes for a daily mystery: what's it going to do today?

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