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Standalone WebsitesUnique Patented Rating SystemYou can trust the Reviews of DKS to be honest and accurate, thanks to our patented Flatulence Advanced Ratings Technology®. You can count on a rating of 1 to always be a worthless wet fart, no matter what, whereas you can rest assured that a 5 will be a pure solid gold fart, under any circumstances. Plus, our state-of-the-art data management system will ensure these ratings remain consistent, from the moment they're cut in our studio right up to the instant they're displayed on any computing device. ![]() About These ReviewsBut seriously... I've had an intense interest in film for most of my life. During high school and college, I produced a number of short films in a variety of genres, but mainly fantasy and stop-motion animation. I'd wanted to stay with filmmaking as a career, but my life took other directions, which included an all-too-brief stint in computer animation. While my preference is science fiction and animation, I enjoy many other genres. I tend to keep my reviews relatively short, but not necessarily sweet; some are but a single sentence, although occasionally I'll delve deeper, particularly when I run counter to prevailing opinion. With close to 1,000 reviews online, you ought to be able to find something of interest at my humble site. GO HOME | All text is Copyright © 1996-2024 by David K. Smith. All Rights Reserved. |